Please fill out the form below if you would like to serve in the following way.
St Mary's Church is in need of volunteers to help clean on the Second Saturday of each month from 8:30 – 10:30 AM. If we can get a regular crew each month (6-8 people), we can do a lot! Brian Beland is coordinating efforts at St Mary's. He will reach out to you with further information.
Liturgical Art & Environment Ministry The church celebrates the liturgy in a holy environment using an abundance of signs, symbols, and rituals that supports prayerful worship and using church décor and environmental accents during liturgical seasons and special occasions. This ministry provides appropriate decoration for the church, in keeping with the liturgical seasons, which celebrates the beauty of the liturgy. Who we are: The Art and Environment Committee at each church is comprised of parishioners who are filled with joy that is dedicated to the beautification of our church both inside and out. Our time, gifts, and talents shared through this ministry help to keep our church looking wonderful for both for our parishioners and for our neighbors.
What we do: Our goal is to create a beautiful and prayerful environment for our liturgies by
decorating the inside of the Church during special celebrations such as Advent, Christmas, and Easter
assisting the sacristans and maintenance staff to clean the church before major feasts
coordinating and creating ideas and decorative arrangements and displays to enhance the environment for special liturgical celebrations, like Confirmation, First Holy Communion, and other parish celebrations
enhance the church grounds by cleaning flower beds, planting bulbs, etc.
Time Commitment: Each committee works to coordinate their own schedule of decorating. Your time commitment is very flexible – from helping with one aspect of a particular liturgical season to helping coordinate every season.
Requirements: We seek parishioners and families who have an artistic sense, interest, and willingness to help as needed. Information on the liturgical seasons and art and environment guidelines are provided.
Please speak with the sacristan at your church if you're interested in joining in the fun.